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La Universidad de los Andes (UA) es una prestigiosa institución de educación superior en Colombia, fundada en 1948. Su enfoque se basa en la formación integral de sus estudiantes, combinando la educación académica con valores éticos y sociales. La universidad ofrece una amplia variedad de programas de pregrado y posgrado en diferentes áreas, incluyendo ingeniería, ciencias sociales, derecho, economía, y negocios, entre otros.
Además, la Universidad de los Andes destaca por su investigación y su compromiso con la calidad académica, siendo reconocida tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Tiene un campus moderno en Bogotá y promueve intercambio cultural y académico con instituciones de todo el mundo.
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The university is academically composed of nine schools, three special academic entities—the Alberto Lleras Camargo School of Government, the Center for Research and Training in Education (Spanish: Centro de Investigación y Formación en Educación, CIFE), and the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies (Spanish: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo, CIDER)—and a joint academic venture with the medical institution Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation, offering 31 undergraduate, 18 doctoral, and 38 graduate degree-granting programs in areas of human knowledge such as medicine, engineering, science, law and others.
As of 2011, the university had produced 128 research groups recognized by Colciencias, most of them in the social sciences, mathematics, physics and engineering. By 2017, the number of groups recognized by Colciencias has increased to 153 research groups. It is one of the few Colombian universities to have received the maximum high quality institutional accreditation by the Colombian Ministry of Education, given in January 2015.
In 1930, the Colombian presidential elections resulted in the appointment of Liberal party candidate Enrique Olaya Herrera to an office that had been, since 1880, under Conservative control. The latter years of this Conservative Republic were punctuated by events such as the Banana massacre, which may have been a contributing factor to the Colombian Conservative Party’s loss of the presidency.